Open positions

Applications for PhD and Postdoc positions

We are always looking for excellent and motivated PhD students and postdocs to join us!

You will have the chance to work the edge of our knowledge on macroscopic quantum systems, using cutting edge nanofabrication techniques, ultra-low temperature measurements,

If you are interested in working with us as a PhD student or postdoc, please send me an email. State briefly why you are interested and attach a CV, including information about the grades you had as an undergraduate. No need for a separate cover letter or certificates. Important: please insert “Application PhD” or “Application Postdoc” in the subject line. If you are applying to a specific advertisement, note this in your email.

Bachelor / Master projects for Leiden University students

If you are a Bachelor / Master student at Leiden University looking for a final thesis project, contact me (or any group member) per email or stop by my office.

Master students from other universities

If you are interested in pursuing a Master degree at Leiden University, see Sometimes, we take on summer interns if we get exceptional applicants (this usually means very good grades and a personal recommendation).